
Our Vision

To create and maintain a robust suite of collaborative CIO services for DFA advisors designed to reinforce advisor confidence and increase practice profitability.

Our Mission

We believe the wisdom, tools and experience gathered over more than 40 years will support advisors’ confidence with clients and thought leadership within their firms.  Our collaborative support will augment confidence, consistency and efficiency to enhance practice profitability.

Byron A. Sanders


Mr. Sanders has over forty years’ experience in the financial services industry.  For the first half of his career, he worked with several regional investment firms overseeing trading, research and groups of advisors.  From 1999 through 2017, Sanders worked with Dale K. Ehrhart, Inc. a national Registered Investment Advisory firm and provided consultative support for a variety of firms whose investment philosophy is consistent with Dimensional Fund Advisors. He served as President and CIO of DKE from 2003 through 2017.   His collaboration and support has been credited with helping advisor practices to significantly increase  their assets under management and practice profitability.  He has successfully mentored and supported advisors in adoption of the”Client Consultative Model™ taught by CEG Worldwide, which has been proven highly effective as an instrument for enhancing client engagement, practice growth and profitability.

Mr. Sanders is a graduate of Duke University with a B.A in English and lives with his  3 daughters in Sarasota, Florida.  He enjoys golf, cooking and sailing on the lovely West Coast of Florida.

Why people have chosen VCIO Dimensions as their Chief Investment Officer

Why you should choose VCIO Dimensions as your Chief Investment Officer



  • Consistent, competent and predictable communications important to clients
  • Eliminate need to spend time scouring for content
  • Honest evaluation of market responses to unexpected events relieves pressure to create real time content
  • Support for your thought leadership inside and outside firm during inevitable market declines


  • Fully vetted models and investment philosophy based on sound academic research
  • Confidence that investment solutions are rock solid philosophically and best available for each client
  • Future changes in models components consistent with investment philosophy
  • Projecting quiet confidence to prospects will quickly build mutual trust


  • Increased efficiency = increased profitability
  • Increase time spent on/with clients
  • Sound and repeatable portfolio design process
  • Relieve pressure to create content
  • Consistent, relevant client communication provides value and insight
  • Collaborate to anticipate client questions on events or market action
  • Collaborate to address unexpected client questions
  • Deep pool of experience to support new advisor onboarding
  • Evaluation of potential acquisition’s investment approach and processes

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